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About us

We created because we think there is a need for professional and amateur (patron) polo players to find polo horses nearby and around the world more easily. With this site/platform it should be simple to find your perfect polo horse online and contact the seller directly.
We encourage all polo horse breeders, trading stables, polo professionals and also patrons to upload their polo horses when they become ready to sell.
We believe in transparency and direct access to information, in order to bring polo horse buyers and sellers together successfully.

Want to buy a polo horse ?
-Check out all the polo horse adds after clicking on the “Home” button in the right upper part of this website. Use the filters to find your perfect polo horse.
We recommend you to add preferable polo horse to “Favorites” bij clicking the empty heart in the upper right corner of the polo horse ad.  If you click the white heart with the red edge in the menu in the upper right part, you see all your favorite polo horses together.

Want to sell a polo horse ?
-Before you can place an polo horse add, you have to register (create an account). For that click on the “Login/Register” button in the right upper part of this website. After that click on the item “Add new polo horse” and fill in all relevant info.

We hope you enjoy !

Contact: is a JS Internet BV company
Kvk: 59637250
The Netherlands

If you have problems with saving this polo horse photo,

you can also email us all photos at !