Buying a polo horse
If you are interested in buying a polo horse, our platform is a good place to start looking for a good possible match!
Whenever you are buying a horse there are different matters to take in consideration.
First of all, you must ask yourself the question:
What kind of polo horse do I need ?
Whenever you are buying horses to play polo, this horse should fit your level of play. So basically, it should be on the same level of polo that you are playing. This polo horse should improve your level of polo if you have the ambition to grow. It should never worsen your play on the field. This means the horse is not good enough or to goo for you and does not fit you.
You can select the level of play in the first filter, by choosing the handicap level that you normally play or want to be playing.
Next to the level, everybody has his own little preferences regarding their favorite type of polo horse. Most important are stick size and subsequently the height of the polo horse you prefer. Some polo players prefer mares over geldings for different reasons, so you can select the gender you prefer.
And for those players who want to narrow down their search can add even more filters regarding the horse, such as color, breed and bloodline, age and of course the price range.
If you are looking for that perfect little black mare you always dreamt about?
Maybe here’s the place where you will find her, as she is somewhere on this planet.
Don’t want to search the whole planet? Or not interested in transporting and importing horses from far away?
Narrow down your search to specific countries, so you can find one closer by.
But how do I continue if I want to buy this polo horse?
There is always the option to buy the polo horse directly from the seller, based on the information the seller provided by our website.
But that is absolutely not a good idea for novice players or amateurs.
We believe it’s always better to see and try the polo horse yourself.
Our advice would be to do 3 things:
1. Ride the horse
2. Stick and ball the horse
3. Play the horse in a practice or a game
After this you can have a pretty good impression of the horse and if you have a click together.
This again depends on your level and what you want to do with this horse.
Some horses are amazing to play polo, but not very comfortable to stick and ball. So if you like to stick and ball a lot, relax and quietly, this horse might not fulfill your needs. But If you only want to perform on the polofield and this horse plays amazing, you might not care that you can’t stick and ball it. Especially if you have also other polo horses to stick and ball. So it will fit you perfectly.
The last step in the buying process, if you have found a horse you like, is the vet check and medical condition of the horse. If you don’t want any surprises, a vet check can help you out. It doesn’t give guarantees for the future, but it can help you decide and asses the condition the horse is in at that moment.
The amount of research you want to put into the horse also depends on the price of the horse. For a lower valued horse a clinical vet check might be enough. But for an expensive high goal pony, X-rays and other type of scans might be the better option to assure you that you are buying a healthy horse.
Once you have gone through the process mentioned above and you are happy with the results, you can make a proper decision on buying the polo horse.
You can also take a look at the following Gav Says video with tips about buying a polo horse:
Good luck on finding your polo horse and enjoy polo to the max !